THE FANZ (heeeey....)
Sign Our Guestbook

So, here you are on the LooT page. What’s it all about then? I think it’s pretty damn obvious really; this is where you, the adoring ‘fans’ of oToSoM (what a smooth-talker I am) can if you wish, donate some money/cash/dough, etc. in which to help ‘move things along’ on the site as it were. “Why should I do that?” you may ask (I’m sure you’d use more obscene language than that though) Well basically, any money that you donate to the oToSoM ‘fund’ will come in very handy indeed….

For my part, I will be able to afford more materials in which to create new comics for the site, and possibly invest in software to improve my computer or some shit like that. I’ll be buying many, many packs of Pro-Plus® as well to help me stay awake a bit longer in the early hours while I’m trying to complete comics. Also, if we do get donations, money received would go towards me buying new and exciting shiny instruments of torture in which to use on unsuspecting victims which could, in turn, aid in giving me inspiration for new comics. Either that or I’ll just do it anyway for the pure fun of it. Aahh, can you just hear the screams of agony as they endure endless amounts of searing pain? Mwahahaha…. Ahem….
Hmmmm…. what else would the donations be used for? Ooohooh, I know I know!! I also want a Hummvee, an Apache AH64 attack helicopter and a few bags of Fizzy Shark Sweets. Maybe a few Cadbury’s Crème Eggs as well? Oh and not to forget, a large quantity of bubble-wrap. Mmmm…. Such fun.
As for ol’ Jim McChunk, his half of the donations would be used to order vast amounts of food, a dumper truck and a huge industrial waste unit to help him with his obvious gluttony problem…. I’ll say no more…. FAT-BoY!!

Anyhoo, now you know what we strive for, I hope you will be kind enough to donate any amount of money to the site; it would be very much appreciated and would indeed help the site to continue. You just need to be a PayPal member, click the button below and go from there. I’m not gonna pretend I know what I’m on about. I don’t like carrots.

Cheers. I’m off now to think about bubble-wrap….
---- Richard John Holmes (aka ‘SPiKE’), 2003.
oN THE oTHER SiDE oF MADNESS.... is hosted on, Keenspace a quaint little village where free webhosting and webcomic site automation is available for all.... meh, God told me to say it....
All artwork by Richard J. Holmes (aka SPiKE) - Web creation by Jim McDonald (aka PsyK)